Thursday, February 1, 2018

repositorytools version 4.2.5 is out!

It is a small bugfix release. Now you can specify classifier when uploading. Thanks Laurent for contributing!

And thanks Oto for cooperation on the new release. This is the first release released under packagemgmt org, so some troubles with account made it more painful than expected.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


A few weeks ago I moved two my projects about RPM packaging and publishing to Sonatype Nexus from my personal github space to a newly created organization called Package management. My friend Oto, a contributor to repositorytools, became the second owner of this organization.

Maybe you are now asking, what Package management group actually is? It is an informal group of people who want to automate software packaging and managing software repositories in general and want to share their tools as open source projects.

Happy using of our tools,

P.S. we are open to any ideas and contributions.